Wallace Creek Regimental Complex Headquarters and Telecommunication Building
NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic
General Services Administration
Yates Construction provided preconstruction and construction management at-risk services for the 425,000 SF project. This project includes 12 federal courtrooms and offices for marshals, district attorneys, trustees, and circuit court officials. The project’s design opens the conventional courthouse layout, transforming it into two volumes surrounding an open-air rotunda that echoes the interior rotunda of the state capitol seven blocks away. This facility achieved USGBC LEED® Silver Certification.
Multiple rooms within the facility are built to SCIF standards, meeting STC ratings of 45 and 52. This facility is also built to anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) and LEED standards. The project was a BIM pilot program for the GSA and received media coverage and scholarly recognition for design and construction innovation.